Helicopter is very hard to control, although it can hover, and strafe in certain degrees. There is no strafe in airplane, turn is slower, and cannot hover.

Airplane has to move through air constantly in order to stay up by the force generated from the wing. Air is much thinner so the drag effect is much smaller. This is dramatically different than other types of vehicles. Therefore, the vehicle becomes one with the pilot, achieving similar locomotion when human is on the ground, forward/backward, strafe left/right, jump up/down, turn left/right, turn up/down. Rolling left/right is not needed because humans are used to the ground level and gravity. With the propelling technology such as pump jet ( En. ), the vehicle can be extremely maneuverable in 6 DoF, forward/backward, strafe left/right, strafe up/down, turn left/right, turn up/down.

Because the object is buoyant in the water, it can hover as well. Due to the drag effect of dense fluid such as water, a moving object will stop quickly when the propelling force stops. The input control behavior is determined by its underwater environmental settings. Its underwater settings are both realistically mythical and Sci Fi, much better than space settings. The signatures of Aquanox 2 are underwater vehicular combat that can be played like First Person Shooter.